Saturday, August 1, 2009

No More Pictures

Well, no pictures from the trip. My purse was stolen from my car last night and among everything else monetarily valuable to me (credit cards, gift cards, and some cash), my camera was in there and was also stolen. I had started carrying it around so that I could catch some more "Kodak" moments. I also had taken pictures of the Cub Scouts bowling Wednesday night and we were going to do some stuff with the pictures in Cubs. I'm sure (hoping) it was just some punk kids, hopefully not some druggie since my State Board of Pharmacy license, my work badge and my business cards were in there, so they not only know I have access to drugs but they know my exact location and my schedule. Of course we have cancelled all of our credit cards and there haven't been any fraudulent charges. I only had about 15 bucks cash in there and that just gets me more than anything--These kids didn't even gain anything out of this, except maybe a camera with pictures from the Grand Canyon and of lots of little kids having a good time, they just wanted to break into someones car and steal something. There was a $50 bill in the console right beside the purse that was still there. Seriously, who does that kind of thing. I'm still really upset about it and I am usually a private person in a lot of ways and I feel really violated. It was also the Mickey Mouse purse I got at Disney World (I know it sounds really "classy" but it really was a cute little bag) so that really bums me out too. Also, something that might be good to know, the divisions of the police department that investigates burglary and identification in this town are not open on the weekends. I guess during regular business hours you are good, but after that you are on your own.


Mikasa said...

That really sucks, I'm sorry for you, I just hate dishonesty in people. It's no fun having to wonder what kind of people stole it and what kind of trouble they will cause for you. So sorry.

Brooke said...

Thanks. It does suck, so bad, but I keep reminding myself it could be worse...and with our luck these days it probably will ;)