Thursday, January 1, 2009


I would have to say that 2008 was a monumental year for our little branch of the Thomas family, for me in particular. My single resolution for this year is to not make any resolutions. I hate letting myself down, which I always feel like I do. I have spent the latter half of 2008 becoming a (much) healthier me, and I am very excited to continue this into the new year and hopefully drag my family along with me. This is the first new year in a longer time than I care to count back that I am healthy and not wishing I was thinner, or made more money, or that I was thinner (oh wait, did I already say that one?) I am already well on my way and I am looking forward to what is in store for us in 2009. Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

hey brooke! It is fun to see how you and your family are doing! Check out our blog!
kate shannon

Brooke said...

Hey there, long time no see, I will just do that!