Friday, November 6, 2009

Deep Thoughts...

" know...toots can carry different things"


"Yes, I guess they can"


"Yeah, like air...and sometimes poop"

"Uh huh"

...longer pause...

"Mommy, when we get home, I'm think I'm going to have to change my underwear"

And we are still ready, willing and excited to do this again...we must be nuts ;)


Tara said...

hahaha that is some pretty profound thoughts!! isn't parenting awesome, never a dull moment. Is he still set on Gavin?

larshannon said...

Totally awesome conversation.

San Diego Spendloves said...

I love it. I bet he'd love the song that Stuart just made up and taught our kids, "F-A-R-T that is what you are to me!"

Karen S. said...

So... not anything to do with your post.
You have not hesitations on the H1N1 vaccination?

Brooke said...

Karen...I emailed you :)