Monday, January 18, 2010

Family Pictures

This is sort of embarrassing, but we have not had professional family pictures taken of just the 3 of us...ever. I figured that we should probably go ahead and do that since our family of 3 is very soon to be a foursome. I had the best plans to do these pictures back in November, you know, when I had a cute little pregnant belly and you could only tell I was pregnant when I turned sideways...well fast forward some 2 more months and I am now also pregnant in my bum, thigh and face area as well as quite impressively pregnant where I should be ;) It just so happens that my sister-in-law's best friend Heather is a very talented photographer and she was so gracious to take some pictures of us and I think she did a fantastic job. Of course I am super critical of myself but overall I am very pleased with how they turned out and I don't think they could possibly be better (considering what she had to work with---I am of course referring to myself, not my handsome boys). I know that Garth Lee will be thankful to have at least one family portrait representing the first 5 and a half years of his life that he was our one and I know that I will be thankful to have them as well--I can hear us now: ahhh the good old days, remember that, Honey, when we only had one, remember how easy that was...Well, I hope y'all like them too...don't forget to go by Heather's blog to check out her other fabulous work and a few more of us: Here are my favorites:


The Tremendous Thomas Family said...

Sooo cute I went to her website and you should be so happy you did this! I think you got some wonderful pics!! And I think you look beautiful!

San Diego Spendloves said...

I love all of the pictures. You all look awesome.