Warning, really gross content. This post contains material that may be unsuitable for some blog readers, discretion is advised...
Ok, so I know things could be a lot worse, but last night (into today) has been one of the most eventful. Grandma has been watching Garth Le alot since Garth has been out of town for school for 6 weeks and she has been sick since last week. She went to the doctor Friday and got a shot and some antibiotics but has just been getting worse since. I went to pick up Garth Le last night when I got off of work at 7 and I could immediately tell Grandma wasn't feeling well, so we didn't dawdle and we left right away for home. She called the doctor earlier that day to say she wasn't getting better and he never called her back. Right after we left her house, their power went out too. We got home and everything went well. We played for a while then went to bed and he went right to sleep...
Fast forward to about 9:45...a very sweet sister from our new ward called to see if I would be up for the next 10 or 15 minutes and could she come by with some goodies for me and my family and I said sure. So, 30 minutes later she RINGS THE DOORBELL (ok, this woman has raised 10 (TEN) kids) she should know not to ring the doorbell at 10:30 at night. The dog goes crazy and I hear Garth Le crying before I even get to the door. When I open the door, the dog runs out in the street. She sneaked in the door while I went to run after the dog. She was chatting me up while I tried to get her out and shut the door. I felt really bad, but seriously, it is 10:30 at night. I give her a firm thanks and a see ya Sunday and shut the door on her. I then run upstairs to console my son, hoping I am in time to avoid a few hours of awake time. He is very upset at this point (oh I forgot to say we had a thunderstorm brewing outside this whole time). I get up there and I can tell that the upset vomit is inevitable at this point and I rush him to the toilet. He is really confused at this point and still half asleep, but I am holding him at the toilet. He tries to get away and I am telling him to stay at the toilet. He looks right at me, screams and projectile vomits chocolate milk and ham all over me (I had just showered by the way), the bathtub, the side and back of the toilet, and all over the bathroom floor. I am pretty sure not one drop made it in the toilet or on the bath rug that I could have just thrown in the washer. So this wakes him up all the way then he is upset because he threw up, but I tell him to lay down in bed while I clean up. I try and get the chunks (see why I advised discretion) with TP and flush it. I get most of the pieces up, then flush and the toilet overflows. So now I am gagging not only because of the vomit all over me and the bathroom, but now it is mixed with toilet water diluted throw up chunks. Fast forward 20 minutes or so and I am re showered and redressed. I have a little talk with Garth Le about how he is not in trouble, just to try and make it in the toilet next time. I set the house alarm (remember we are alone because Garth is out of town) and lay down with Garth Le in his bed. The storm is getting really bad now and is keeping both of us up. We just drift off when the back door opens and the alarm goes off. I turned it off with the remote and was petrified that there was someone in the house. I get up the courage to get the phone for the alarm company to call (they never did) and of course Garth Le wants to go with me. We get to the bottom of the steps and Garth Le goes "Daddy?" My heart stopped! I quickly saw that there wasn't anyone that he saw, but he noticed the TV had been on and was on pause and that is why he thought he was down there. The back door was unlocked and I figure the storm blew the door open enough to trigger the sensor. Now (about midnight) we are REALLY awake, so we watch a couple of cartoons to settle both our nerves before attempting to, once again, go to bed.
The night was fine, I gave up on getting him to sleep in his bed and we went to bed in the "big bed". Morning comes, I am running late (no surprise there). Grandma is still feeling bad, but she looks a little better. The doctor finally calls her back and Grandpa goes to pick up her prescription. She calls me to tell me what it is and I just don't have the heart to tell her that her doctor just called her in the equivalent of Tylenol Cold without the Tylenol, so I tell her that it is great and that it should really help. Then I am driving to work and my glasses break. It looks like I just need to replace the screw, but upon further inspection, the screw is broken in half. Long story short, do not go to Wal-Mart for glasses, period! It is important to note that I only have that one pair and a pair of RX sunglasses, so I am now in my sunglasses. I go to where I bought the frames 2 years ago to see if they are still under warranty and they are not (big surprise) so then I go to Wal-Mart. I have had so much trouble with them and these glasses, this is just icing on the cake. I get there and there is ONE person working there and the phone keeps ringing and she keeps answering it instead of talking to me. I am thinking, hello, I am physically here. She finally decides I am worth her attention and I show her how they forced the lenses before and how you can see the other side is about to snap as well. Of course, all Wal-Mart managers are off Wednesdays. So, I am officially the coolest one at work with my shades on. I will update on if I get reimbursed or what.
Anyways, nothing was the end of the world, but I have had better days. Here's hoping all will be better this evening.
mirror engraving and puzzles
At our camp meeting it was asked if we could maybe get mirrors with an
image of Christ. Our theme is "Look Unto Christ" So I was curious and
started doin...
1 day ago
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