Monday, March 22, 2010


I was so worried about being able to love/care for another child like I love/care for Garth Lee and I have been surprised by the guilt that I feel that I am giving more to Gavin then to Garth Lee...I never dreamed I would be slighting Garth Lee in any way. I know it is temporary, but I still feel bad to be giving so much to Gavin and to feel like I am giving so little to Garth Lee. So, in case you (I) missed it, I actually have 2 children, even if one has been a little less mentioned lately. (Sorry Garth Lee) I know things will even out here soon once we are all a little more accustomed to having a new one at home and once he is a little less needy.

Thank you Garth Lee for being such a great big brother and for trying your best to listen and make things easier for Mommy and Daddy. Nobody is perfect, but I am so grateful for such a wonderful son for my newest son to look up to, the best big brother he could have, he's proof that we were here in this same place with you a few short years ago:

Oh yeah...the belly...WOW...just wow.
I love you, bud, more than you know ;)

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