Friday, April 24, 2009

Tagged...A little Late

My Pharmacy School friend Amanda tagged me a looooong time ago and I just saw it, so here goes:

4th picture in 4th file, no cheating:

Obviously bathtime. This was at a hotel at the Grand Canyon the summer of 2007, so Garth Lee was almost 3 then. We had a great time, I didn't want to cheat, so he looks like he has a foot coming out of his torso, so here is the next one in the file, eating shampoo:

1 comment:

San Diego Spendloves said...

Those are cute pictures. The pictures always pop up on my blog to show me what my friends have blogged about. It was so small that I couldn't figure out what it was. He looked like a rubber duckie or something and so I was like what in the world is that. Luckily when I opened your blog up I could see what it really was...cute Garth in the tub.